Monday, 23 December 2013

The monkey project moves to Brin d'Amor, Pijije:

Our new headquarters at Brin d'Amor

In March of 2013, we moved from the two adjacent houses we had been renting in Bagaces since 2001.  Finding a new place where we could relocate ~15 researchers and 12 years’ accumulation of books, data, scientific equipment and field gear proved to be no easy feat. We were finally rescued by the project’s long-time supporter, Carlos JimĂ©nez Freer, who offered us the use of two buildings on his beautiful ranch, Brin d’Amor. This property, which borders the northern part of Lomas Barbudal Biological Reserve, has the advantage of being within walking distance of the home ranges of most of the monkey groups we study. In fact, monkeys sometimes visit the new project house! Repairing and modifying these buildings for scientific use occupied most of our time during the month of March, but we are now happily installed there and enjoying our closer proximity to nature.